Welcome to n00bady's personal webpage: Where the posts are few and the updates non-existing.
Hello there!
You seem to be lost, how did you find this place ? Anyway, welcome to my personal webpage, there is little content currenly well probably there won’t be much content in the future but you never know, but feel free to look around.
You can call me n00bady. When I’m not busy contemplating the profound mysteries of lazyingness I like tinkering and learning about technology. Also these days I am learning GO and working in a couple of project that I will soon™ post about them.
Well don’t expect to see this blog or this site to be updated regularly. It operates in it’s own unique schedule, much like my internal clock that seems to be permantly stuck on snooze. If and when I updated expect to posts about personal projects or rambling nonsense.
You might be asking now, why did I start this webpage if I do not intent to fill it with content? Well I just though it would be cool to make a personal webpage and blog and I wanted to try a little bit of webdev.
Now about this webpage, I build it using HUGO and I used the ficurinia theme as a base to create something more “cyberpunky”. I hope you like it although it still needs some more work.
Thanks for visiting my site if for some reason you need to contact me check the about page.